Saturday, June 8, 2024

Life as a Movement

The tradition of Tantric Yoga teaches us that movement and stillness are ever present. 

Life is always moving.  Our bodies, like Nature, are always in flux.  Our breath moves in and out; one day flows into the next; our lunar cycles ebb and flow; the seasons change; and our bodies, emotions, and relationships also shift and change over time.

Stillness is also here.  When we settle our bodies, allow our emotions to flow, and quiet our minds, we may find we can drop into moments of stillness where we are present with conscious awareness, and just be.  These moments allow us to rest, and also to integrate, which supports our availability for the next movements to emerge around and through us.  

Every moment is comprised of what past continues, what is present now, and what is possible.  When we encounter unresolved issues from our past, we may feel stuck or in a repetitive cycle.  Movement is change and sometimes change feels scary.  While we are changing and growing, we may come into contact with the unknown, and in those moments we may be most vulnerable to self-doubt or whatever patterns from childhood we originally used to cope with stress.  

One powerful concept / practice I learned from studying with Drs. Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks, is to cultivate openness to learning from every interaction.  This practice allows us to return to flow with our life movements.  

If it resonates for you, you can ask yourself:

What am I learning / what can I learn from my life in this moment?

What supports me in my present learning?

What movements support me to feel in the flow? (connecting with my breath, for ex.) 

Am I need of stillness / integration time, and if so, how can I create that for myself?

How do I sense my body as I reflect on these questions?

Much love in your explorations